+60 ideas of【JAPANESE TATTOO】• Best of 2022!

+60 ideas of【JAPANESE TATTOO】• Best of 2022!

Did you know that there was a time when tattoos were prohibited in the Japan? Yeah, a very surreal curiosity for a lot of people. Therefore, it is interesting to better understand this concept and all its prominence in eastern culture.

for you to understand better what is japanese tattoo, we have prepared this complete and informative content. Learn more, get inspired with 60 photos and tips to follow this style.

+60 ideas of【JAPANESE TATTOO】• Best of 2022!

In Japan, the art of tattooing the body is known as Irezumi ou Horimono. Few people know, but this style has gone through ups and downs and still generates a lot of local discussion.

Japanese tattoo history


A japanese tattoo carries a lot of history, being considered one of the oldest arts in the world and which served as inspiration for several cultures.

The origin is not known and generates debate, but it is estimated that it began to gain relevance around 300 BC At that time, marking the body was status symbol, so it was commonplace among the upper classes.

Times later, from the year 700 BC, the figures gained a negative connotation, as it became customary to tattoo criminals as punishment. Being tattooed was something shameful, so the art fell into disuse. This practice was only abolished years later.

+60 ideas of【JAPANESE TATTOO】• Best of 2022!

It was from the Edo period, between 1600 and 1800 BC that tattoos regained their decorative status, with strong popularity. At that time, they were made through woodcuts, with tools and a special ink known as Nara.

The most common designs represented common figures in Japanese culture such as dragons, tigers and mystical creatures. Utagawa Kuniyoshi was the best-known artist, specializing in the woodcuts ukiyo-e.

It is not known for sure whether the popularization took place by the bourgeoisie or by the lower classes. The fact is that this was a very relevant period for Japanese tattooing, so much so that it is mentioned in various literature and stories.

However, another bad era marked the history of tattooing in Japan. It was from 1868, in the Meiji period, that the government banned tattoos, claiming that they did not pass a good impression. Therefore, only rebels, criminals and foreigners were seen with their bodies scratched.

Modern times

To get an idea, this lasted until the early 1900s, but it was after World War II that tattooing was legalized again and started to become attractive again. However, fashion also attracted members of the Japanese mafia, the Yakuza. This fact made many people fearful, as they did not want to be associated with the group.

This whole story created stigmas. Although tattooing is something free in Japan (thanks also to Western influence), there is still some resistance from many individuals. Currently, the artists work in studios in highly touristic areas and most of their clients are foreigners.

+60 ideas of【JAPANESE TATTOO】• Best of 2022!

According to some articles, there are still places that don't allow tattooed visitors, such as gyms and clubs – something curious and surprising for Westerners. In addition, authorities and part of the population are still prejudiced against art, such as the mayor of Osaka, who was bothered by tattooed civil servants.

According to him (and with the support of a large part of the local citizens) “if they want to have tattoos, they should stop working for this city and become a worker in the private sector”. Something surreal for us, but which generated debate in 2012, the year when tattoos came back into discussion in the country.


the taboo of tattoo in japan unfortunately still persists. Young people are open to this concept, but many prefer to do small drawings or in areas that can be easily covered.

But, even with so much controversy, there are those who insist on following the style and, more than that, being tattooed specifically by a Japanese artist. Many professionals are renowned and stand out for the high quality of their art.

Styles like the famous Tebori are known for the craft concept, that is, the traditional way of tattooing. This technique consists of using bamboo and ivory rods with iron needles to mark the skin. Loosely translated, it means “sculpt with hands”.

It is an art that requires a lot of training. In Japan there are still specialists in Tebori – the my wife. They try to keep this practice alive, as it derives from an ancient art that has gone through practically the entire history of Japanese tattooing.

In general, art still generates discussions and demands an in-depth study to better understand its entire concept. That's why it's worth consulting more informative sources that detail everything about oriental tattoos.

+60 ideas of【JAPANESE TATTOO】• Best of 2022!

Japanese tattoo pictures and ideas

Japanese tattoo is known for many symbols. Know the most popular ones and their meanings.

tattoo in japanese

A japanese tattoo is sought by many people in the west, especially admirers of this culture. Therefore, they choose to make drawings in Kanji, the characters of the Japanese language.

Among the main expressions are: love, family, life, peace, strength and happiness. However, it is necessary to research to know if the representation is correct – after all, nobody wants to tattoo something that has nothing to do with what is expected. In addition, it is essential to hire good professionals, whether Japanese or local.

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Kanji strokes highlight the tattoo and give a delicate touch to the design.

+60 ideas of【JAPANESE TATTOO】• Best of 2022!


The phoenix tattoo means renewal and transformation. This mythological figure is very common in Japanese art and is usually represented in large drawings – especially with the bird rising from the ashes.

Among the best places to make a phoenix are the back and the arm. In addition, the tattoo can have complementary elements and beautiful colors, such as red, black and yellow.

+60 ideas of【JAPANESE TATTOO】• Best of 2022!
with tribal inspiration
+60 ideas of【JAPANESE TATTOO】• Best of 2022!
It's impossible not to be enchanted by such beautiful drawings.
+60 ideas of【JAPANESE TATTOO】• Best of 2022!
Beautiful tattoo with a harmonic balance of colors
+60 ideas of【JAPANESE TATTOO】• Best of 2022!
The phoenix in red and yellow on the leg
+60 ideas of【JAPANESE TATTOO】• Best of 2022!
With various effects throughout the arm
+60 ideas of【JAPANESE TATTOO】• Best of 2022!
Minimalist and linked to a lotus flower

The phoenix represents triumph and the beginning of new paths in life – rebirth, as many say.

+60 ideas of【JAPANESE TATTOO】• Best of 2022!
Invest in different and unconventional concepts

Cherry Blossom

A Cherry tree it is the national flower of Japan, a great symbol of the country. There it is called Sakura . During the local spring, the trees bloom and completely transform the landscape. It is a flower with a beautiful shade of pink and that is contemplated by the Japanese in beautiful festivities.

The main symbolism of the cherry blossom is “the fragility of life”, that is, we must take advantage of every moment because it is something brief and fleeting. With a beautiful meaning and so much beauty, it is not difficult to find people who decide to mark this flower on their skin.

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+60 ideas of【JAPANESE TATTOO】• Best of 2022!
Cherry blossom is also common in oriental tattoos.


O Dragon It is a mystical creature greatly worshiped by the Japanese, part of legends and present in films, anime and local productions.

Many believe that dragons were first born in Japan and then spread around the world. In addition, they are associated with strength, wisdom and generosity, values ​​that many people seek in their lives.

The great advantage of the dragon tattoo is its versatility. You can follow the most diverse patterns whether in shape, colors and effects. Many designs are inspiring and impressive.

+60 ideas of【JAPANESE TATTOO】• Best of 2022!

+60 ideas of【JAPANESE TATTOO】• Best of 2022! +60 ideas of【JAPANESE TATTOO】• Best of 2022! +60 ideas of【JAPANESE TATTOO】• Best of 2022!

+60 ideas of【JAPANESE TATTOO】• Best of 2022!
In eastern culture, the dragon has several meanings, such as wisdom, strength, power, protection, wealth and balance in life.

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An animal with strong symbolism in Japan and much of the East is the carp (called there koi).

According to a Chinese legend, the carp swims against the current of the Yellow River facing the most diverse obstacles. Those who manage to defeat them and reach the end of the journey are rewarded: they are transformed into beautiful dragons.

A well-known depiction is seen in the anime. Pokémon, in which the weak Magikarp (a carp with no attack) can evolve into Gyarados, a very powerful blue water dragon.

As for the meaning, the carp represents strength, determination, striving for goals and persistence. 

+60 ideas of【JAPANESE TATTOO】• Best of 2022!
The shoulder is a perfect area to highlight your carp tattoo.
+60 ideas of【JAPANESE TATTOO】• Best of 2022!
beautiful golden carp
+60 ideas of【JAPANESE TATTOO】• Best of 2022!
Realistic models enchant and conquer many fans
+60 ideas of【JAPANESE TATTOO】• Best of 2022!
Oriental inspiration is very strong in this tattoo style.
+60 ideas of【JAPANESE TATTOO】• Best of 2022!
Simple and with incredible effect
+60 ideas of【JAPANESE TATTOO】• Best of 2022!
Minimalist and very tasteful pattern
+60 ideas of【JAPANESE TATTOO】• Best of 2022!
Huge prete and shaded tent


A serpente It is quite common in Japanese tattoo styles. Its main meaning is protection. In the local horoscope, it is the sign of wisdom.

Another very versatile design that can be done on different parts of the body, with different shapes, colors and details.

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A geisha is a famous Japanese young woman who specializes in the arts of singing and dancing. It is known for its beauty and the way they dress and make up, so it is easy to be recognized.

When represented in tattoos, it is associated with female strength, delicacy, intelligence and relationship with the art world.

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+60 ideas of【JAPANESE TATTOO】• Best of 2022!
Stunning geisha tattoo holding lotus flower.
+60 ideas of【JAPANESE TATTOO】• Best of 2022!
Beautiful alternative.
+60 ideas of【JAPANESE TATTOO】• Best of 2022!
Geisha holding chopsticks.
+60 ideas of【JAPANESE TATTOO】• Best of 2022!
Gorgeous geisha tattoo in vibrant tones.
+60 ideas of【JAPANESE TATTOO】• Best of 2022!
+60 ideas of【JAPANESE TATTOO】• Best of 2022!
With landscape in the background.
+60 ideas of【JAPANESE TATTOO】• Best of 2022!
Big tattoo inspiration.


O samurai it is also very much in demand when it comes to a Japanese tattoo. This warrior is known for his great skill in martial arts and is considered a symbol of the local culture.

In addition, the samurai tattoo is related to values ​​such as honor, courage, strength and loyalty. It is very common among young men, who highlight the samurai in different poses. The best places to get this tattoo are arm, leg and back.

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+60 ideas of【JAPANESE TATTOO】• Best of 2022!
A samurai tattoo can bring a constant reminder of the teachings given to samurai

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Are you going to get a Japanese tattoo? Don't forget these precautions!

  • Search hard to find a good artist;
  • Make multiple budgets;
  • Define type and style of tattoo;
  • Follow all tattoo artist recommendations;
  • Avoid consumption of fatty foods;
  • Do not wear tight clothing in the tattooed area;
  • Do not enter the pool or the sea;
  • Wait for the correct healing time;
  • Maintain hygiene at the site according to the professional's instructions.

+60 ideas of【JAPANESE TATTOO】• Best of 2022!

Anyway, this was our complete guide on japanese tattoo. Did you like it? Leave a comment and share with your friends. Good luck and see you later.

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