HOW TO DRESS WELL: Simple and Unmissable Tips!

HOW TO DRESS WELL: Simple and Unmissable Tips!

HOW TO DRESS WELL: Simple and Unmissable Tips!

Simple tips on how to dress well

How to dress well? The answer to that question is simpler than you thought. Dressing well is a matter of well-being, comfort and common sense. Try to simplify your wardrobe and your life and see our tips!

HOW TO DRESS WELL: Simple and Unmissable Tips!

“Dress badly and they will notice the dress. Dress well and they will notice the woman.” (Coco Chanel)

What do you love? Know your style and the pieces that go well

First of all, have it clear in your head which style you like best, which pieces fit well on your body and What do you love. There's no point in copying the looks of bloggers or shop windows just because they're super trendy. All your friends are wearing it, the stores only sell it, more has nothing to do with you? So be authentic, keep betting on your own style. Questions you can ask yourself:

What is my body shape?

HOW TO DRESS WELL: Simple and Unmissable Tips!

Knowing what your body shape is is powerful: you will know what type of clothing flatters you and makes you more harmonious. So you won't get lost so much when buying new clothes. If you know that a type of dress makes you beautiful, bet on it and buy similar models, no problem at all!

“Fashion is like architecture. It's a question of proportions” (Coco Chanel)

What's my style?

Or, the best question to ask yourself for “how to dress well” might be: “what are my styles?”. You may like a more classic style, but sometimes you can also go for a romantic, casual, basic, rocker, fashionista, boho style. Have you ever wondered which style suits your personality the most? Have you ever been to the store and thought “this outfit is just like me!”? So, you already know what your style is. Point for you, self-knowledge is everything.

HOW TO DRESS WELL: Simple and Unmissable Tips!
Singer Adele bets on a retro, classic style: black dress and pearls
HOW TO DRESS WELL: Simple and Unmissable Tips!
Basic or “normcore” look: always beautiful
HOW TO DRESS WELL: Simple and Unmissable Tips!
Romantic style
HOW TO DRESS WELL: Simple and Unmissable Tips!
Rocker style
HOW TO DRESS WELL: Simple and Unmissable Tips!
fashionista style
HOW TO DRESS WELL: Simple and Unmissable Tips!
Boho style

Attention to sizes

When buying your clothes, you need to pay attention to the correct size. It seems like a silly tip, but many people, for example, buy sizes much smaller to look sexier or younger, others buy sizes larger to look stylish or hidden. The good sellers at your favorite store can help you with the right size.

Planning: Avoid buying clothes on impulse

This is a very important tip! Avoid getting too excited about a sale or buying clothes impulsively on a day when you're more anxious or bored. With promotions popping up in the windows, it is possible to be tempted to buy some pieces because “they were so cheap!!”. Careful! Try to observe your closet and notice that some pieces were lying there, without any use.

A tip from the fashion consultants is to make a list which pieces you need or are missing from your wardrobe. Write it down in a notebook including already thinking about the combinations of colors and styles. Go shopping already knowing what you want.

HOW TO DRESS WELL: Simple and Unmissable Tips!

More quality, less quantity

This tip is a continuation of the previous one. The “how to dress well” certainly involves fewer pieces of clothing and more right decisions. Instead of accumulating a bunch of pieces that you like more or less, how about keeping only the ones that you love the most in your wardrobe?

Follow expert Marie Kondo's tips: tidy up your closet and reflect "what pieces will bring you joy if they stay in your life?". Gather your clothes in a pile, hold them one by one and ask yourself quietly “Does this bring me joy?”

If you keep only the pieces you like the most in your closet, every time you get dressed you will feel happy: you will create incredible looks! Besides, without that excess of accumulated clothes, everything will be easier and less confusing when choosing.

HOW TO DRESS WELL: Simple and Unmissable Tips!

Key pieces to have in your wardrobe

Anyone who knows how to dress well always has some joker pieces in their closet. If you dig through yours, you'll probably find: a black dress, a black pantsuit, your favorite perfectly cut jeans, white shirt, neutral colored blazer. If you don't already have these key pieces, then invest in them on your next shopping trip!

HOW TO DRESS WELL: Simple and Unmissable Tips!
Pieces that can't be missing in your closet

Accessories: include an element of surprise

Now that you have all the classic pieces to dress well, vary the looks by including a surprise element: a colorful accessory, an extra detail that will make all the difference. You know that pink pump you bought? What about that fashion belt you forgot in the closet? So, they are just waiting for you to put together your classic look to walk the runway. See our post about SAPATO PINK: Beautiful models and outfit ideas! See some ideas below:

HOW TO DRESS WELL: Simple and Unmissable Tips!
Add a small red bag to your black and white look
HOW TO DRESS WELL: Simple and Unmissable Tips!
Beautiful laid-back look: yellow skirt in the all-black look
HOW TO DRESS WELL: Simple and Unmissable Tips!
A lot of elegance: green scarf and belt in the white look

HOW TO DRESS WELL: Simple and Unmissable Tips! HOW TO DRESS WELL: Simple and Unmissable Tips!

HOW TO DRESS WELL: Simple and Unmissable Tips!
Add a blue purse to your basic look
HOW TO DRESS WELL: Simple and Unmissable Tips!
Add an orange coat and necklace to your neutral dress
HOW TO DRESS WELL: Simple and Unmissable Tips!
White look combined with shiny shoes

Combine wide pieces and tight pieces

This is a simple tip on how to dress well that works a lot: when putting together your look, try to mix tight-fitting pieces with wider pieces. For example, combine your black leggings with that looser and more stylish T-shirt. Or mix a tighter tank top with a long A-line skirt. That is: avoid wearing a tight skirt with a tight tank top or a wide puffy blouse with boyfriend pants.

For more tips, see our post on LOOKS WITH LEGGING: Main successes and mistakes!

So, did you like our tips on how to dress well? Share with us your doubts and inspirations!



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