Men's hair wax: 4 tips for proper use!

Men's hair wax: 4 tips for proper use!

What is hair wax?

Men's hair wax is a product that can be a great substitute for gel, since its function is to fix the hair.

If before the gel was the only product that was part of the arsenal of male products, today the wax is a great ally when it comes to straightening the hair and even bet on male hairstyles.

And if you still don't know how to use this product on your hair, or at least don't know what hair wax is, in the post we answer your questions and even compile tips for using the product for hair.

Wax helps to fix men's hairstyle.

Besides being used as a fixing product, wax also helps when styling the hair, helping to leave the strands with the desired shape.

And the big difference with gel is that it is a product that models and fixes the hair, but without the classic wet effect that gel leaves on the strands, giving the idea of fine hair.

Thus, hair wax is a more modern option, which leaves the hair shaped and fixed, and with a dry look.

Men's hair wax: 4 tips for proper use!
The gel makes the hair shiny.

Wax X Pomade: What's the difference?

In the midst of market launches to serve the male public, doubts begin to arise about the differences between products, and one of the main confusions is between male wax and pomade.

Contrary to what many believe, they are different products. And to put an end to any confusion, let's explain each of these products.

Men's hair wax: 4 tips for proper use!

  • Hair wax: Wax is a product, usually based on natural elements such as beeswax, whose main function is to fix the hair, keeping the strands in order for a long time. The action of wax on the hair is very similar to that of gel, and has a high fixing power, but without keeping the hair wet. On the contrary, the result of waxing is fixed tresses, but without the wet and dull look. The consistency of wax is thicker and this allows you to shape the strands, leaving them fixed for longer and with a dry, dull look.
Men's hair wax: 4 tips for proper use!
Wax has a thicker texture.
  • Hair pomade: hair pomade also has the function of modeling and fixing the hair, but unlike wax, the product has a lighter consistency and this makes the fixation a little less compared to wax. Pomade has a wide range of options, which bring products that can leave the hair looking dry, wet, shiny or dull. And it is an excellent choice for those looking for an intermediate hold product for hairstyles that require a lighter look, such as simplified options and for everyday use.
Men's hair wax: 4 tips for proper use!
Pomade is a lighter cream.

Tips on how to use hair wax

For those who are just discovering the universe of men's products and are still testing the use of hair wax, we put together tips on how to use the product to enjoy the best benefits.

  • How to use: to use the hair wax, place a small amount in the palm of your hand, distribute the product between one hand and the other and apply it on the locks, without applying too much on the roots, to adjust the hair in the desired way with your fingers, fingertips or with a comb. After the strands are already styled, the wax ensures that the hair is held in place. So that the hair does not look too heavy, a good tip is to comb the hair beforehand and apply the wax at the end of the styling, just adjusting the strands.

Men's hair wax: 4 tips for proper use!

  • Dry hair: hair wax may contain ingredients such as parabens, which are insoluble, and this makes the wax unsuitable for use on wet hair. To use this product, it is best to use it on dry hair, so that the wax leaves the hair fixed and looking nice. So, before styling the wires with wax, a good tip is to use a blow dryer or let the wires dry completely.
Men's hair wax: 4 tips for proper use!
The hair should be dry for better hold.
  • Amount: Wax has a high holding power, so it is not necessary to exaggerate the amount applied to the hair. Contrary to popular belief, excess will not guarantee better hold, but will make the hair look heavy and messy.
Men's hair wax: 4 tips for proper use!
The amount should be small so as not to weigh it down.
  • Avoid swiping: this type of product is a finishing option, and after styling the strands and applying the wax to the hair, the tip is to avoid swiping or trying to do one more thing. When you run your hand through it, your hair starts to look greasy, and this leaves a bad result for the hair.

Men's hair wax: 4 tips for proper use!

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