Number Blouse: Models, step by step and more than 90 looks!

Number Blouse: Models, step by step and more than 90 looks!

Number Blouse: Models, step by step and more than 90 looks!

Gone are the days when sports-related fashion called attention only to boys. This combination has increasingly won over girls who love a bold style and new ways to put together a stunning and out-of-the-ordinary look. The number blouse is a symbol of this change.

Basic piece of several modalities, including the basketball, which is the most used, found many possibilities for colors and design with the large and apparent number on the front. Abroad, it is known as jersey, a basic trend of team uniforms that, fortunately, has caught on.

Number Blouse: Models, step by step and more than 90 looks!
Singer Rihanna loves walking around in this blouse model!

The great thing about the blouse with a number is its versatility of different combinations and tones, as you already know, several clubs change their shirts frequently, and the idea of ​​this fashionable piece is also exactly that. In addition, both they and they can customize their own t-shirt – it can be long, short, cropped style… there are many cool and creative ideas.

In the United States, in addition to the number, many people wear a blouse numbered with the name of their favorite basketball/baseball team or with visible brands, such as Adidas, for example.

And the number, how to choose? What are the best options?

Well, there isn't a rule about the 'best' number that can illustrate your blouse. In this case, some people follow famous player t-shirt patterns or types that bring some personal identification, such as a lucky number, for example.

Among the most used are the 86, 76, 38, 13 and 89. 

Women's Number Blouse Models and How to Use 

The size blouse has won the favor of women, who have been betting more and more on this model for casual style and leisure time. As we have already said, they are varied colors that combine with different pieces, both something more striking and more sober.

Among the most common models, the long number blouse it's in trend, worn as a single piece, reminiscent of a dress, or complemented with short shorts (jeans look great) and heels or boots.

The short and traditional type is also interesting and allows for discreet and bolder combinations, with practically all pieces, as long as a good game of colors and textures is made.

Finally, even more in terms of customization, you can invest in a super-short, cropped-style T-shirt that looks like the hottest seasons. For this summer, it's a great choice to go out and enjoy around.

In addition, an incredible tip is to abuse accessories: cap, hat, bracelets, necklaces, earrings... they add an extra touch to a stripped look that will definitely highlight your look!

Check out some cool looks and see how the size blouse is versatile and ideal for women of different tastes and styles!

with pants

Number Blouse: Models, step by step and more than 90 looks! Number Blouse: Models, step by step and more than 90 looks!

dress style

Number Blouse: Models, step by step and more than 90 looks! Number Blouse: Models, step by step and more than 90 looks!

Number Blouse: Models, step by step and more than 90 looks! Number Blouse: Models, step by step and more than 90 looks!

with skirt

Number Blouse: Models, step by step and more than 90 looks! Number Blouse: Models, step by step and more than 90 looks! Number Blouse: Models, step by step and more than 90 looks!

with shorts

Number Blouse: Models, step by step and more than 90 looks! Number Blouse: Models, step by step and more than 90 looks!

with coat

Number Blouse: Models, step by step and more than 90 looks! Number Blouse: Models, step by step and more than 90 looks! Number Blouse: Models, step by step and more than 90 looks! Number Blouse: Models, step by step and more than 90 looks!

other looks

Number Blouse: Models, step by step and more than 90 looks! Number Blouse: Models, step by step and more than 90 looks! Number Blouse: Models, step by step and more than 90 looks!

Men's Number Blouse Models and Looks

Boys have been wearing this blouse model for some time now, always inspired by their sports idols, especially basketball. Over time, however, this piece also gained variations in men's fashion.

Nowadays, we can see different models beyond the traditional T-shirt design. Long sleeves are an example, even more so in the colder seasons of the year, an ideal type for an evening event and an enhanced look.

Number Blouse: Models, step by step and more than 90 looks!

Another possibility to wear a shirt with a men's size is to bet on the oversized/longline, a current trend that is the face of the swag style. Many gringo artists popularized this piece, which looks great with various models of pants, boots or high-top sneakers.

For men, the same tip as for women applies: be bold with accessories to enhance the look with a men's size blouse. Wear a cap, hat, glasses, bracelets...


Number Blouse: Models, step by step and more than 90 looks! Number Blouse: Models, step by step and more than 90 looks! Number Blouse: Models, step by step and more than 90 looks! Number Blouse: Models, step by step and more than 90 looks! Number Blouse: Models, step by step and more than 90 looks! Number Blouse: Models, step by step and more than 90 looks! Number Blouse: Models, step by step and more than 90 looks! Number Blouse: Models, step by step and more than 90 looks!Short

Number Blouse: Models, step by step and more than 90 looks! Number Blouse: Models, step by step and more than 90 looks! Number Blouse: Models, step by step and more than 90 looks! Number Blouse: Models, step by step and more than 90 looks! Number Blouse: Models, step by step and more than 90 looks! Number Blouse: Models, step by step and more than 90 looks! Number Blouse: Models, step by step and more than 90 looks! Number Blouse: Models, step by step and more than 90 looks! Number Blouse: Models, step by step and more than 90 looks!Manga Longa

Number Blouse: Models, step by step and more than 90 looks! Number Blouse: Models, step by step and more than 90 looks! Number Blouse: Models, step by step and more than 90 looks! Number Blouse: Models, step by step and more than 90 looks! Number Blouse: Models, step by step and more than 90 looks!

How to Make a Blouse with a Number on the Front Step by Step

The step by step of the blouse with number on the front is simple and practical. You can use that shirt you don't wear much or buy a template to customize your own piece quickly and according to your style.

To make it, all you need is a blouse, a template with the number that will be on the front (in this case, choose the one you like best), ink, masking tape and a pen/pencil.

The size of the mold depends on the piece chosen. You can print on the internet and even draw!

Number Blouse: Models, step by step and more than 90 looks!
mold to print

The procedure is easy: Stretch out the blouse and outline the pattern on top of it with the pen/pencil. Then cover the lines with masking tape to prevent the paint from leaking. Start painting the entire number format, with the color you find convenient.

You can still make contours with a permanent marker to improve the design of the number, in addition to cutting the pattern in a fabric and sewing it over the top of the blouse (it is perfect and stripped). You can also customize the sleeves with stripes or cut the cropped style blouse to make it more apparent and beautiful!

To follow the step-by-step in practice, watch the videos:

Anyone who loves modern fashion concepts will surely love the number blouse. Eclectic and outstanding models make your look beautiful and stunning to go out with friends, go to the club and wear it on different occasions. Customize, buy the one that best suits your style and don't be afraid to be daring. Do you have questions? Leave a comment. Until later! 🙂

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