Shampoo for Oily Hair – 13 Specific Products for You!

Shampoo for Oily Hair – 13 Specific Products for You!

In this search for the ideal product, we made this post with incredible tips that should be tested. With our shampoo tips for oily hair, you'll learn how to take care of your locks and remove that heavy look.

name="how-to-choose-the-ideal-shampoo-">How to Choose the Ideal Shampoo?

If you're looking for shampoo for oily hair, you know that not every product works on every hair. Sometimes what was good for your friend's hair may not be as good for yours, so our most important tip is to test until you find the ideal shampoo.



In addition to thinking about the shampoo for oily hair, you need to learn how to take care of your hair, as the product alone can help, but it does not work a miracle.


The first step is to get it right when washing time. Shampoo for oily hair should be applied directly to the roots, where the oil concentration is higher. After lightly massaging the scalp, you can spread the foam to the ends and then rinse. It's to do this to prevent the tip from getting too dry.



Another point is the frequency of washes. It is common for oily hair to quickly look dirty, so many people who suffer from this problem have the habit of washing it daily, sometimes even more than once a day.

It turns out that doing so will have the opposite effect of what you want. Imagine that you wash a lot and remove all the oil, your organism will understand that it is not producing enough oil and will start producing more and more.

The recommended thing is to wash it every other day to give the strands a rest, let the hair dry completely and show your organism that it can produce less sebum. It can be difficult to deal with dirty looking hair, but within a month the oil production will be more controlled.


Another tip is to stop washing your head in hot water. This stimulates the production of oiliness, in addition to lightly cooking the hair, leaving it looking heavy and lifeless. The tip is to wash with lukewarm water at most and shock with cold water when finished.


When choosing a shampoo for oily hair, it is advisable to look for a transparent product. This indicates that it has less chemistry and has no dye, that is, less residue on the scalp.


A lot of people think that only those with straight hair can have problems with oiliness. The roots can be oily and the ends can be dry, so it doesn't work to use shampoo for normal hair or mixed hair.


Escape the deep cleaning shampoo, many brands bring this on the label as if it helps fight oiliness.


For those with oily hair, it may be a good option to invest in poo or co-wash techniques. In essence, these techniques involve products without parabens, mineral oil and petroleum derivatives.

All these substances are bad for the health, not only of the hair, but of the organism as a whole. They prevent nutrition from penetrating the structure of the thread, it can look healthy on the outside, but be finished on the inside.

The tip is always to read the label to know what you are actually using in your hair. Your favorite product can have many things masked that you can't even imagine.

To control oiliness through hair care, it is very important to know the right techniques. With that in mind, we prepared a special post with incredible care tips and products for oily hair!



Anyone with oily hair knows that the main problem is that the natural oil doesn't reach the ends, thus creating the myth that brushing a lot makes the oiliness "walk". In fact, brushing the roots only increases sebum production and does not bring any kind of benefit.

The dryer is enemy number 1 for those with oily hair. Hot temperature causes oil production to increase, as well as messing up the hair. It can be difficult to get rid of the blow dryer and flat iron for the first few weeks, but once you see your hair improve, it will get easier.


Want to learn how to do the co-wash technique? Learn in the special post we prepared how to wash your locks with this technique and check out 4 incredible benefits that this type of care can bring to the health and beauty of your hair!

Shampoo for Oily Hair: Brands and Products

With all the tips we've been through, it's time to know the best shampoo options for oily hair. The cosmetics and beauty market is huge and therefore new products appear frequently. The tip is always to test to see which product best fits your hair.

It is also recommended to change products every 3 months so that the hair does not get used to it or lose its effect.

To maximize hair care, we prepared a special post with surprising care tips and treatments to remove oil from your hair!


The best-selling brands in supermarkets and cosmetics stores are:

  • Else
  • FarmaErvas
  • Beauty
  • phytoherbs
  • Fructis
  • Silk
  • Pantene

Apart from these, Natura and BoticΓ‘rio products are also great. The best thing is that the prices are affordable and you don't have to spend extra for having oily hair.


Although the shampoo for oily hair is important, our tip is to buy the shampoo and conditioner kit from the same brand and from the same line.

Conditioner can be a big villain for those who struggle with oily hair. This product should only be used on the ends of the hair and never have contact with the root. It makes the hair heavier, together with the oiliness it makes the locks look dirty.


Look for a shampoo for oily hair that in addition to cleaning also has vitamins in the composition. This will help to not let the hair dry out.

Anyone who thinks that only the most expensive shampoos have a powerful action against oiliness is mistaken. In fact, there are several super economical options perfect for treating oiliness. A great example is the Seda Recarga Natural Pureza Detox shampoo. According to the manufacturer, this product has in its formula green tea and citric extracts that together aim to promote freshness, shine and restoration of the natural movement of the threads.

For even better results, we recommend using Seda Recarga Natural Pureza Detox conditioner. Which has a wonderful effect of moisturizing and freshness after shampooing.



Pantene has several shampoo options for oily hair and invests heavily in new technologies so that the hair is always healthy and with a natural shine.

An example of this is the shampoo with CΓ‘ssia. This is a yellow flower that has a remarkable scent and has been used for medicinal purposes since ancient times. In the shampoo, the promise is to return hydration while doing a deeper cleaning to remove residues.


Did you like our shampoo recommendations for oily hair? Have you tested any of them? Leave your comment.

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